Hearing Loop at The Dalles UMC
Board members representing The Dalles First United Methodist Church applied for and were granted a $2,500 amount to install new hearing loop amplifiers into the sanctuary and fellowship hall at the church located in The Dalles, Oregon.
Lion Timothy McGlothlin is pictured installing and wiring the system. The hearing system allows members that wear hearing aids the ability to hear directly using their individual hearing devices to connect with multi-media and voice sources. Members reported that it was the first time in many years that they could hear clearly and completely during the service. This is also a legacy project to support 100 years of service.
Reprinted with permission of The Dalles Lions Club
A comment from the former pastor: people were able to hear things that they were not able to before. The new system also does wonders for cutting back the distortion that would be experience by processing the sound twice. As we adjusted to new system, it has become important now to create a culture of always using the public address system.
Grace and Peace,
Adam Jenkins
Mr. Branson:
I am the person that introduced Loop Technology to Pastor Adam and also installed the device in The Dalles First United Methodist Church. I first learned of the technology from a friend that was an audiologist here in The Dalles, Oregon. As part of the Lion International 100 Year Legacy program, I also shared with other Lion members throughout our state. We now have 24 sites that are in the process of adding Loop systems to their churches, auditoriums, conference centers, city halls: places where large numbers of people gather that need assistance with quality hearing.
From the moment we switched the system on, parishioners reported an immediate satisfaction in hearing all speech, multimedia, and musical programs. Anything that is reproduced for a sound system is transmitted via t-coils that are installed in all hearing aids. This link produces clear, direct sound that is transmitted through a single or double coil wire that surrounds listeners within a loop. It is really quite simple, yet effective way to broadcast individually to each person wearing a hearing device. This includes a portable receiver that the church also purchased for those that may find it difficult to hear effectively and lack the financial means to purchase hearing aids.They can wear a small electronic device that looks similar to a transistor radio with headsets.
My best regards,
Timothy McGlothlin, Zone Chairman
The Lions Clubs of Oregon